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The Kingdom Alliance is a global network of leaders and churches in a number of nations. We strive to give oversight and guidance to the church united in these nations in order to create an atmosphere where the gospel of the Kingdom can be preached and practiced. The goal is the transformation of nations and the glory of God filling the earth. 


Relational Strategy 


Each nation is organized into regions. Each region has a Regional Overseer working with a member representative of the National Apostolic Team. The responsibility of the Regional Overseer is to develop and maintain good relationships with the pastors and leaders in the region. They will also communicate information about the Alliance and promote all events sponsored by the Alliance. The member representative of the National Apostolic Team is responsible for working with the Regional Overseer and also being present from time to time in the region building relationships with the pastors and leaders. 


Equipping Strategy 

Twice a year, we conduct conferences in each nation. These conferences include main sessions for inspiration as well as breakout sessions dealing with practical matters related to local church leadership, ministry development, conflict resolution and Kingdom expansion through the work of the local church. Other pertinent matters will also be addressed to assist the local church’s development.

Missional Strategy 


The Alliance intends to mobilize the local churches to work together and be on mission with God. Therefore, the result of the Relational and Equipping Strategies should produce tangible ministry in the regions and across the nation. The Kingdom is manifested as these ministries are achieved through the corporate unity of the churches in any given region. As unity among the churches is achieved, fruit is produced and influence is gained. This is how a nation is ultimately transformed.


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Charles Omuroka 

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Roger Leyton 

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Ronnie Diaz 
Costa Rica-Director

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Paul Venkatesh

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Steve Hyde 

Blogs of Interest

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Copyright 2023 Kingdom Strategies International, Inc.

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